Minggu, 01 November 2009

Red meat has a higher fat in the white meat appeal

Red meat has a higher fat in the white meat appeal

Red meat has a higher fat than white meat. No wonder if it's more delicious when cooked. However, he carried the risk of disease was also higher than white meat.

People who eat more red meat or processed meats have a higher risk of death from all existing cases of death, including cancer. Meanwhile, a high consumption of white meat instead reduce the risk of death, so says a study from the United States during the last 10 years on Health24 quoted in March 2009.

The study started in 1995 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AARP, followed by more than half a million men and women aged between 50 and 71 years. They were asked to fill out questionnaires about their consumption of red meat, processed meat, and white, like pork, chicken, and turkey.

During the study conducted, 47,976 men and 23,276 died. One out of five men and women who ate the most red meat, an average of 62.5 grams per 4200 calories per day had a higher mortality rate. This figure compared with one in five men and other women who ate less red meat, an average of 9.8 grams per 4200 calories per day. The same level so even in those who consume processed meats.

Meanwhile, five people who ate the most white meat has less risk of death than those who consume less.

Head of the study, Rashmi Sinha of the NIH describes, for all cases of death, 11 percent are men and 16 percent are women. This figure should be prevented if they reduce consumption of red meat.

"If consumption is reduced, the effect on deaths from cardiovascular disease decreased, in men by 11 percent, while among women 21 percent," said Rashmi.

High temperatures also affect the processing of red meat a bad effect on the body. Red meat itself is the main fat source, which is closely linked to cancer risk. Therefore, reduction of red meat consumption also means a reduction of risk factors for heart disease, where cholesterol levels and blood pressure will be lower.

"These results complement the recommendations of the American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund which states that reduce consumption of red meat and processed meat will reduce the risk of cancer.

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