Senin, 23 November 2009

business english tasks

1.some people believe that a mother should not work. other argue this. consider the problems that working mother faces. do you believe a mother should work? defend your opion

* advantages:
1. can increase the family income
2. get a lot of experience from outside
3. can develop their own potential

1. less time for children
2. jealousy income

the words of the above can be understood if a housewife who works to increase the family income because of the work a mother could get wages or salaries, a mother will get a lot of experience from the outside other than the experience he had before he started work, and a mother can develop their own potential or in other words to develop the knowledge that he could during their studies then in practice with work in accordance with the field. one who works will affect his family life quotation marks if the person is already married.

the effects of a working mother is less time for children because most of the time spent in the office can be solved by communicating with the children on the clock that allows to call the child if the office close to home when at rest can go home to prepare lunch for children, or take the kids for lunch outside, at night she accompanied her son to do homework. from it all a child will not feel any less attention from a mother.

Other negative impacts arise due to jealousy of men earning less income than his wife can be solved by supporting the husband to be more diligent work in the positive sense that he is motivated to earn more than wives and wives do not have to work longer and always in the house when he got home from work, there was a husband who supports his wife works but she did not neglect the family.

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